Our tools can help you decide how much to contribute and estimate your savings. And for health savings accounts (HSAs), you can see the power of investing.
It’s never been easier to plan, save, and pay for personal well-being. With PayFlex, you get more value — plus savings, simplicity and convenience.
Our tools can help you decide how much to contribute and estimate your savings. And for health savings accounts (HSAs), you can see the power of investing.
Your accounts don’t just provide tax savings. You can also get exclusive discounts on many health care items through CVS Pharmacy® online, in the app or in the store.footnote1 Plus, we’ve teamed up with FSA Store to make it easy for you to spend your health care dollars.footnote2
At PayFlex, we go beyond traditional health care accounts. Employer-sponsored incentives and rewards help boost household budgets with more ways to pay for eligible products and services.
Curious about how much you might save with a PayFlex health care account? Just plug in your numbers. This calculator will show you possible tax savings on eligible out-of-pocket expenses.footnote3
footnote†For best estimate, enter an amount less than or equal to the pretax contribution limit: Health Care FSA for 2023: $3,050; HSA for 2023: $3,850 (individual coverage) and $7,750 (family coverage); Age 55 or older: You may contribute an additional $1,000 to your HSA.
Check out the list of common eligible health care expenses. Use the search bar to find specific items and services. Or you can click on the column headers in the table to see which are eligible, eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LOMN), or not eligible.
Need to buy an FSA-eligible product? Shop FSA Store.footnote2
footnote1Promotional offers, available in-store at CVS Pharmacy or online at for eligible PayFlex HSA/FSA members. is an independent service provider not affiliated with PayFlex. The link provided is for your convenience and is not an endorsement of FSA Store’s services or the provision of legal, medical, financial or tax advice. PayFlex may receive compensation on certain products purchased at
footnote3You’ll want to add up your total health care expenses per year. These may include:
Medical: deductibles, copays, co-insurance, health care provider visits, prescription drugs, over-the-counter items, insulin, diabetes syringes and supplies, annual wellness exams, chiropractic treatments and other medical expenses
Dental: checkups and cleanings, fillings, root canals, crowns, bridges, dentures, mouth surgery, orthodontics (braces) and other dental expenses
Vision/hearing: exams, eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lenses and cleaning solutions, corrective eye surgery (LASIK, cataract), hearing exams, hearing aids, batteries and other vision or hearing expenses
footnote4Savings estimates assume annual IRS FSA and HSA contribution limits or your total expenses, whichever is less. Talk with your employer to learn the exact limits for your plan. For this calculation, we used a savings of 21% to assume federal, state and social security taxes you may avoid with pretax contributions. This calculation is just an estimate. It isn’t tax advice. Ask your tax advisor to find out how much you might save by making pretax contributions. Actual tax savings depend on many things. Some of these include state and local tax rates, your tax bracket and the FICA tax rate.